Self-Advocate Network LinkedIn Group Profile

Join Our LinkedIn Group to Build Your Network

Have you heard of LinkedIn? It’s a social media website. But instead of social connections, people connect around work. They find each other through LinkedIn groups. Here are some cool facts:

  • Over one billion people are on LinkedIn.
  • They are from more than 200 countries.

People who work in many fields are on LinkedIn. They share posts about their work life. They share helpful resources. They even post and apply for jobs. Many researchers who work on projects about intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are on LinkedIn. So it’s a great place for self-advocates to find paid work on projects about their lives. It’s also a great place for project staff to find self-advocates.

It’s easy to get started on LinkedIn. First, you must create an account and profile. We recorded a how-to video to help. Follow this video’s steps to create your LinkedIn account and profile.

Once you finish setting up your account and profile, you can connect with us! Go to our LinkedIn group, Self-Advocate Network. Click the “Join” button. We will approve you. Then you can join in the discussion. It’s a great way to network with peers and to find work on projects about IDD. You can also check out The Network page for more information.