About the Network

Two people trading business cards

People with IDD have valuable lived experience. They should work on projects about their lives. Most project staff want to work with people with IDD. But finding each other and working well together is hard. The Self-Advocate Network can help. We teach people with IDD and project staff to work together. We help them connect to do amazing things!

Featured Advocates

Ashley Sattler

A person with short black hair


Ashley is a member of the Southeast Texas Self-Advocates Leadership Team. She manages the group’s Facebook page. She is a trained senior peer support specialist. She is also a gifted artist.


  • TCDD Peer Support
  • TCDD Participatory Action Research

Training & Certifications

  • Peer Support Specialist Core Training
  • Participatory Action Research Core Training

Lisa Simmons


Lisa is a member of the Southeast Texas Self-Advocates Leadership Team. She has been an officer for Texas Advocates. She has been a Senior Peer Support Specialist.


  • TCDD Peer Support
  • TCDD Participatory Action Research

Training & Certifications

  • Peer Support Specialist Core Training
  • Participatory Action Research Core Training

Logan Archer

A person with short brown hair


Logan is a member of the Southeast Texas Self-Advocates Leadership Team. He has been a peer support specialist and a team leader for participatory action research projects. He also raises prize-winning cattle.


  • TCDD Peer Support
  • TCDD Participatory Action Research

Training & Certifications

  • Peer Support Specialist Core Training
  • Participatory Action Research Core Training

Brandy Rios

A person with black hair and glasses


Brandy is a member of the San Antonio League of Self-Advocates. She is a Board member for Texas Advocates. She has worked on projects about community living and is an experienced speaker about mental health.


  • TCDD Peer Support
  • TCDD Complex Mental Health
  • TCDD Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

Training & Certifications

  • Peer Support Specialist Core Training
  • Certified in Person-Centered Thinking

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The Self-Advocate Network was built for and by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It is a place where they can learn and grow together.

Related Sites

Self-Advocate Network Academy
Virtual Job Coach
Strategic Education Solutions

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